In over fifty years of study and travel, I have not encountered another human being with the radiant genius of Dr. Emanuel Revici. Numerous scientists have recognized Dr. Revici as being 50 to 100 years ahead of his time. I believe the same transformation that occurred in physics last century, as a result of Einstein and other physicists, will occur in medicine this century once Dr. Revici’s work is applied.
Revici is a vortex. In a vortex, rather than standing erect you are inclined toward magnetic north. Naturally occurring visual and perceptual phenomena challenge your assumptions, beliefs and possibly your confidence in truth. This is my experience with Revici, even while speaking with him on the phone. It is reported that Einstein, after meeting with Revici fortwo hours, “Revici has the greatest mind I've ever come across in my lifetime.”
I offer my interpretations and applications of Dr. Revici’s profound research. My offering is based on clinical observations and blood and urine testing over the last 40 years. Admittedly, I have only scratched the surface. I invite the participation of physicians, clinical investigators and lipid researchers to move forward from here.
Please join us in the Revici vortex. It may be disorienting at first but with a little familiarity you will experience the immense possibilities.
Lynne August MD