Health Equations Research Inc. |Founder and President | March 1996 - Current
A nonprofit organization dedicated to research in therapeutic lipids and public and professional education about lipids and dietary fats. Current Research: Development of therapeutic lipids from fractionated lipids extracted from bovine glands and organs, after Revici.
Health Equations | Founder and Director | 1990 - Current
Preventing or managing chronic disease and aging by fortifying the
4 Pillars of Health:* Hydration * Cell Cholesterol * Tissue Mineralization * Robust Digestion
Health Equations Blood Test Evaluation - Creator
Based on an original algorithm, the Blood Test Evaluation is an exquisitely sensitive detector of risks, imbalances and deficiencies rarely recognized or detected by conventional or functional tests. It is a computerized analysis of a chemistry profile, lipid panel and CBC designed to identify and correct problems before symptoms and disease occur.
electroLYTES Solution - Creator
A database of over 27,000 Blood Test Evaluations demonstrates that most people are dehydrated. Correction of dehydration is essential for all other therapies, diets and lifestyle modifications to have substantial and lasting benefits. The HEq Electrolyte Formula hydrate cells, increasing the charge on cell membranes and improving cell function and energy production.
Magnesium Plus - Creator
Seven years of hand-milking Butterscotch (an old retired Guernsey dairy cow) inspired this Health Equations formula. Magnesium Plus delivers minerals the same way raw (unpasteurized) milk delivers minerals. Take less, absorb more and get the six minerals needed to utilize magnesium.
TUTELAGE |Emanuel Revici MD | 1982 - 1990
Emanuel Revici MD (1897-1998) was a world-renowned clinical investigator whose seminal work combining quantum mechanics and lipid chemistry led many to consider him the Einstein of medicine. Dr. Revici’s laboratory and clinical research culminated in his discovery of original non-toxic therapeutic lipids that proved effective treatments for cancer, pain, cardiovascular disease, AIDS, addictions, arthritis and more.
Biosocial Medical Center| Medford, OR |Physician | March 1982 - May 1988
Provided innovative and multidisciplinary evaluations and therapies for children with developmental, learning and behavioral disabilities.
American Holistic Medical Association | Board of Directors | Oct. 1986 - Aug. 1987
HOPE Equestrian Center |May 2011 – May 2015
Brattleboro Hospice (VT) | Nov. 2004 – May 2007
Washington University School of Medicine | Internship in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine | 1973 - 1974
Washington University School of Medicine |Degree in Doctor of Medicine | 1969 - 1973
University of Oxford | Romantic Poetry | 1969
Muhlenberg College | Bachelor's Degree in Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies | 1965 – 1968